Welcome San Francisco Movie Makers (1960)

Preserved by the San Francisco Media Archive with NFPF support.

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Treasures DVDs Available from the NFPF Website

We are happy to report that our Treasures from American Film Archives DVD sets can now be purchased from the NFPF's Shopify website.We are thrilled to directly distribute these acclaimed sets, which present long unseen American films with new musical accompaniment, onscreen program notes, and printed catalogs. Available are: Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film, 1900–1934; Treasures IV: American Avant-Garde Film, 1947–1986; Treasures 5: The West, 1898–1938; and Lost and Found: American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive.

 All orders will be fulfilled by the NFPF. We look forward to making these examples of superb archival preservation work easily available to students, academics, cinephiles, and anyone interested in America’s film heritage. 

tagged: Treasures DVDs, NFPF News

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